Entgegen früherer
Annahmen nutzt die Natur das Element
Chlor in einer ganzen Reihe von
natürlichen Chlorverbindungen. von denen hier einige beispielhaft mit
Strukturformeln abgebildet sind.
Aurantoside: In verschiedenen Schwämmen (Theonella
sp.) vorkommende Polyenoyl-Tetramsäuren mit cyctotoxischer und
antifungischer Wirkung; man unterscheidet die Aurantoside A, B, C (Homophymia
conferta), D (Siliquariaspongia japonica), E (Siliquariaspongia japonica), F (S. japonica), G (Theonella swinhoei), H (Theonella swinhoei), I (Theonella swinhoei), J (Theonella swinhoei), K (Melophlus sp.) und L (Siliquariaspongia japonica).
Totalsynthese von 13 C-markierten Physarorubinsäuren A
und B aus dem Schleimpilz Physarum polycephalum [Dissertation,
Uni München]
Shigeki Matsunaga, Nobuhiro Fusetani, Yuko Kato, and
Hiroshi Hirota:
Aurantosides A and B: cytotoxic tetramic acid glycosides from the
marine sponge Theonella sp
[J. Am. Chem. Soc.,19999991, 113, 960; DOI:
Wurde als erster halogenierter Naturstoff identifiziert
(1904; Strukturaufklärung 1934)
Stichwörter: Organohalogen-Verbindungen in der Natur.
Kopieren der Strukturformel bei Angabe der
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Literatur- und Buchempfehlungen zum
Thema Biolumineszenz:
This book, written by a distinguished scientist in
the field, provides a comprehensive overview of the biochemical
aspects of all luminous organisms currently known. It is the first and
only book that provides chemical information on all known
bioluminescence systems, in a single volume. Some 35 different types
of bioluminescence organisms are discussed in 10 chapters. The
descriptions include: a history of the discovery of luminescence
substances such as luciferins, luciferases and photoproteins; the
process of research, explaining how luminescent substances have been
isolated and purified; the properties of luminescent substances; and
the reaction modes and mechanisms involved, as interpreted currently.
Important experimental data and graphs are included in the book,
making time-consuming reference searches almost unnecessary. Helpful
advice for experimentalists is given in an appendix.