Unter Selen-Isotope werden alle Atomkerne des chemischen Elements Selen zusammengefasst; diese bestehen allesamt aus einem Atomkern mit 34 Protonen und im ungeladenen Zustand aus 34 Elektronen. Der Unterschied zwischen den einzelnen Selen-Isotopen beruht auf der Anzahl der Neutronen im Kern.
Natürlich auftretende Selen-Isotope
Natürliche irdische Selen-Vorkommen setzen sich aus sechs verschiedenen Isotopen zusammen, die - mit Ausnahme des quasistabilen Selens 82 - als stabil gelten.
Atommasse Ar | Anteil | Halbwertszeit | Spin | |
Selen Isotopengemisch | 78,971 u | 100 % | ||
Isotop 74Se | 73,9224759(1) u | 0,86(3) % | stabil | 0+ |
Isotop 76Se | 75,9192137(2) u | 9,23(7) % | stabil | 0+ |
Isotop 77Se | 76,9199142(5) u | 7,60(7) % | stabil | 1/2- |
Isotop 78Se | 77,917309(2) u | 23,69(22) % | stabil | 0+ |
Isotop 80Se | 79,916522(8) u | 49,80(36) % | stabil | 0+ |
Isotop 82Se | 81,916700(9) u | 8,82(15) % | 9,39(17) × 1019 Jahre | 0+ |
Durch Schwankungen der Isotopenzusammensetzung des natürlichen Selens kann die mittlere Atommasse variieren.
Isotopentabelle: Selen
Isotop Nuklid | Z | A | N | Name | Atommasse [Kernmasse] {Massenüberschuss} | Spin I (h/2π) | μ | A-Nuk |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
63Se | 34 | 63 | 29 | Selen-63 | 62,98191(54) u [62,9632589 u] {-16,85073 MeV} | |||
64Se | 34 | 64 | 30 | Selen-64 | 63,97134(54) u [63,9526889 u] {-26,69662 MeV} | 0+ | ||
65Se | 34 | 65 | 31 | Selen-65 | 64,96455(32) u [64,9458989 u] {-33,02146 MeV} | (3/2-) | ||
66Se | 34 | 66 | 32 | Selen-66 | 65,95528(21) u [65,9366289 u] {-41,65641 MeV} | 0+ | ||
67Se | 34 | 67 | 33 | Selen-67 | 66,94999(7) u [66,9313389 u] {-46,58401 MeV} | |||
68Se | 34 | 68 | 34 | Selen-68 | 67,9418252(5) u [67,9231741 u] {-54,18948 MeV} | 0+ | ||
69Se | 34 | 69 | 35 | Selen-69 | 68,9394148(16) u [68,9207637 u] {-56,43475 MeV} | 1/2- | ||
69m1Se | 34 | 69 | 35 | Selen-69m1 | 68,9394148(16) u [68,9207637 u] {-56,43475 MeV} | 5/2- | ||
69m2Se | 34 | 69 | 35 | Selen-69m2 | 68,9394148(16) u [68,9207637 u] {-56,43475 MeV} | 9/2+ | ||
70Se | 34 | 70 | 36 | Selen-70 | 69,9335155(17) u [69,9148644 u] {-61,92991 MeV} | 0+ | 70Br | |
71Se | 34 | 71 | 37 | Selen-71 | 70,932209(3) u [70,9135579 u] {-63,14691 MeV} | (5/2-) | 71Br | |
71m1Se | 34 | 71 | 37 | Selen-71m1 | 70,932209(3) u [70,9135579 u] {-63,14691 MeV} | (1/2-) | ||
71m2Se | 34 | 71 | 37 | Selen-71m2 | 70,932209(3) u [70,9135579 u] {-63,14691 MeV} | (9/2+) | ||
72Se | 34 | 72 | 38 | Selen-72 | 71,9271405(21) u [71,9084894 u] {-67,86819 MeV} | 0+ | 72Br 73Kr | |
73Se | 34 | 73 | 39 | Selen-73 | 72,926755(8) u [72,9081039 u] {-68,22728 MeV} | 9/2+ | 0,87(5) | 73Br |
73mSe | 34 | 73 | 39 | Selen-73m | 72,926755(8) u [72,9081039 u] {-68,22728 MeV} | 3/2- | ||
74Se | 34 | 74 | 40 | Selen-74 | 73,9224759(1) u [73,9038248 u] {-72,21323 MeV} | 0+ | 74Br 74As | |
75Se | 34 | 75 | 41 | Selen-75 | 74,92252287(8) u [74,9038718 u] {-72,16948 MeV} | 5/2+ | 0,683(10) | 75Br |
76Se | 34 | 76 | 42 | Selen-76 | 75,9192137(2) u [75,9005626 u] {-75,25195 MeV} | 0+ | 76Br 76As | |
77Se | 34 | 77 | 43 | Selen-77 | 76,9199142(5) u [76,9012631 u] {-74,59944 MeV} | 1/2- | +0,53356(5) | 77Br 77As |
77mSe | 34 | 77 | 43 | Selen-77m | 76,9199142(5) u [76,9012631 u] {-74,59944 MeV} | 7/2+ | ||
78Se | 34 | 78 | 44 | Selen-78 | 77,917309(2) u [77,8986579 u] {-77,02617 MeV} | 0+ | 78Br 78As | |
79Se | 34 | 79 | 45 | Selen-79 | 78,91849925(24) u [78,8998482 u] {-75,91746 MeV} | 7/2+ | - 1,018(15) | 79As |
79mSe | 34 | 79 | 45 | Selen-79m | 78,91849925(24) u [78,8998482 u] {-75,91746 MeV} | 1/2- | ||
80Se | 34 | 80 | 46 | Selen-80 | 79,916522(8) u [79,8978709 u] {-77,75926 MeV} | 0+ | 80As 80Br | |
81Se | 34 | 81 | 47 | Selen-81 | 80,9179930(11) u [80,8993419 u] {-76,38903 MeV} | 1/2- | 81As | |
81mSe | 34 | 81 | 47 | Selen-81m | 80,9179930(11) u [80,8993419 u] {-76,38903 MeV} | 7/2+ | ||
82Se | 34 | 82 | 48 | Selen-82 | 81,916700(9) u [81,8980489 u] {-77,59345 MeV} | 0+ | 82As | |
83Se | 34 | 83 | 49 | Selen-83 | 82,919119(3) u [82,9004679 u] {-75,34017 MeV} | 9/2+ | 83As | |
83mSe | 34 | 83 | 49 | Selen-83m | 82,919119(3) u [82,9004679 u] {-75,34017 MeV} | 1/2- | ||
84Se | 34 | 84 | 50 | Selen-84 | 83,9184668(21) u [83,8998157 u] {-75,94769 MeV} | 0+ | 84As 85As | |
85Se | 34 | 85 | 51 | Selen-85 | 84,9222608(28) u [84,9036097 u] {-72,4136 MeV} | (5/2)+ | 85As | |
86Se | 34 | 86 | 52 | Selen-86 | 85,9243117(27) u [85,9056606 u] {-70,5032 MeV} | 0+ | 86As 87As | |
87Se | 34 | 87 | 53 | Selen-87 | 86,9286886(24) u [86,9100375 u] {-66,42614 MeV} | (3/2+) | ||
88Se | 34 | 88 | 54 | Selen-88 | 87,931417(4) u [87,9127659 u] {-63,88465 MeV} | 0+ | ||
89Se | 34 | 89 | 55 | Selen-89 | 88,936669(4) u [88,9180179 u] {-58,99245 MeV} | (5/2+) | ||
90Se | 34 | 90 | 56 | Selen-90 | 89,94010(35) u [89,9214489 u] {-55,79649 MeV} | 0+ | ||
91Se | 34 | 91 | 57 | Selen-91 | 90,94570(46) u [90,9270489 u] {-50,58012 MeV} | |||
92Se | 34 | 92 | 58 | Selen-92 | 91,94984(43) u [91,9311889 u] {-46,72374 MeV} | 0+ | ||
93Se | 34 | 93 | 59 | Selen-93 | 92,95629(43) u [92,9376389 u] {-40,7156 MeV} | (1/2+) | ||
94Se | 34 | 94 | 60 | Selen-94 | 93,96049(54) u [93,9418389 u] {-36,80333 MeV} | 0+ | ||
95Se | 34 | 95 | 61 | Selen-95 | 94,96730(54) u [94,9486489 u] {-30,45985 MeV} |
Isotop | Zerfall (radioaktiver Zerfall) | AE | Mehr | |||
Halbwertszeit | Zerfallsart | Anteil | Energie | Info | ||
1 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
Se-63 | 13,2(39) ms | EE/β+ zu 63As EE, p zu 62Ge 2p zu 61Ge | 11 % 89 % < 0,5 % | |||
Se-64 | 180 ns | EE/β+ zu 64As | 100 % | 12,83(54) MeV | ||
Se-65 | 33(4) ms | EE/β+ zu 65As EE, p zu 64Ge | 13,92(31) MeV | AL | ||
Se-66 | 42(12) ms | EE zu 66As | 100 % | 10,37(20) MeV | AL | |
Se-67 | 136(12) ms | EE/β+ zu 67As β+, p zu 66Ge | 99,5 % 0,5(1) % | 10,01(7) MeV | AL | |
Se-68 | 35,5(7) s | EE/β+ zu 68As | 100 % | 4,7051(19) MeV | AL | |
Se-69 | 27,4(2) s | EE/β+ zu 69As EE, p zu 68Ge | 99,958 % 0,052(8) % | 6,68(3) MeV 8,0843 MeV | AL | |
Se-69m1 | 2,0(2) μs | 38,85(22) keV | ||||
Se-69m2 | 960(23) ns | 574,0(4) keV | ||||
Se-70 | 41,1(3) Minuten | EE/β+ zu 70As | 100 % | 2,41(5) MeV | AL | |
Se-71 | 4,74(5) Minuten | EE/β+ zu 71As | 100 % | 4,747(5) MeV | AL | |
Se-71m1 | 5,6(7) μs | 48,79(5) keV | ||||
Se-71m2 | 19,0(5) μs | 260,48(10) keV | ||||
Se-72 | 8,40(8) Tage | EE zu 72As | 100 % | 0,362(5) MeV | AL | |
Se-73 | 7,15(9) Stunden | EE/β+ zu 73As | 100 % | 2,725(8) MeV | AL | |
Se-73m | 39,8(17) Minuten | EE/β+ zu 73As Iso zu 73As | 27,4(3) % 72,6(3) % | 25,71(4) keV | AL | |
Se-74 | stabil | AL | ||||
Se-75 | 119,78(5) Tage | EE zu 75As | 100 % | 0,8647(9) MeV | AL | |
Se-76 | stabil | AL | ||||
Se-77 | stabil | AL | ||||
Se-77m | 17,36(5) s | Iso zu 77Se | 100 % | 161,9223(10) keV | AL | |
Se-78 | stabil | AL | ||||
Se-79 | 3,27(28) × 105 Jahre | β- zu 79Br | 100 % | 0,1506(10) MeV | AL | |
Se-79m | 3,92(1) Minuten | β- zu 79Br Iso zu 79Se | 0,056(11) % 99,944(11) % | 95,77(3) keV | AL | |
Se-80 | stabil | 2 β-? | AL | |||
Se-81 | 18,45(12) Minuten | β- zu 81Br | 100 % | 1,5880(14) MeV | AL | |
Se-81m | 57,28(2) Minuten | β- zu 81Br Iso zu 81Se | 0,051(14) % 99,949(14) % | 103,00(6) keV | AL | |
Se-82 | 9,39(17) × 1019 Jahre | 2β- zu 82Kr | 100 % | AL | ||
Se-83 | 22,3(3) Minuten | β- zu 83Br | 100 % | 3,673(5) MeV | AL | |
Se-83m | 70,1(4) s | β- zu 83Br | 100 % | 228,92(7) keV | AL | |
Se-84 | 3,26(10) Minuten | β- zu 84Br | 100 % | 1,835(26) MeV | AL | |
Se-85 | 32,9(3) s | β- zu 85Br | 100 % | 6,162(4) MeV | AL | |
Se-86 | 14,3(3) s | β- zu 86Br | 100 % | 5,129(4) MeV | AL | |
Se-87 | 5,50(14) s | β- zu 87Br β-, n zu 86Br | 99,64 % 0,36(8) % | 7,466(4) MeV 1,135(4) MeV | AL | |
Se-88 | 1,53(6) s | β- zu 88Br β-, n zu 87Br | 99,33 % 0,67(30) % | 6,832(5) MeV 1,936(5) MeV | AL | |
Se-89 | 0,43(5) s | β- zu 89Br β-, n zu 88Br | 92,2(25) % 7,8(25) % | 9,282(5) MeV 3,652(5) MeV | AL | |
Se-90 | 195 ms | β- zu 90Br β-, n zu 89Br | ? | 8,20(33) MeV 4,40(33) MeV | AL | |
Se-91 | 0,27(5) s | β- zu 91Br β-, n zu 90Br | 79(10) % 21(10) % | 10,53(43) MeV 5,35(43) MeV | AL | |
Se-92 | β- zu 92Br | 100 % | 9,51(40) MeV | AL | ||
Se-93 | β- zu 93Br | 100 % | 12,17(59) MeV | AL | ||
Se-94 | 150 ns | β- zu 94Br | 100 % | 10,60(58) MeV | AL | |
Se-95 | 392 ns | β- zu 93Br β-, n zu 92Br β-, 2n zu 91Br | ? ? ? | 13,31(58) MeV |
Erläuterungen zu den einzelnen Spalten:
1 - Symbol mit Nukleonenzahl.
2 - Z = Anzahl der Protonen (Ordnungszahl).
3 - Massenzahl A.
4 - N = Anzahl der Neutronen.
5 - Bezeichnung des Selen-Isotops; gegebenenfalls Trivialnamen.
6 - Relative Atommasse des Selen-Isotops (Isotopenmasse inklusive Elektronen) und in eckigen Klammern die Masse des Atomkerns (Kernmasse, Nuklidmasse ohne Elektronen), jeweils bezogen auf 12C = 12,00000 [2]. Zusätzlich ist der Massenüberschuss (Massenexzess) in MeV angegeben.
7 - Kernspin I, Einheit: h/2π.
8 - Kernmagnetisches Moment μmag.
9 - Ausgangsnuklide: Mögliche, angenommene oder tatsächliche Ausgangs-Nuklide (Mutternuklide, Elternnuklide). Die entsprechenden Zerfalls-Modi sind gegebenenfalls bei den Daten des jeweiligen Ausgangsnuklids zu finden.
10 - Zerfall: Halbwertszeiten des Selen-Isotops mit a = Jahre; ; d = Tage; h = Stunden; min = Minuten; s = Sekunden.
11 - Zerfall: Zerfallsart in die jeweiligen Tochternuklide mit n = Neutronenemission; p = Protonenemission; α = Alpha-Zerfall; ß- = Beta-Minus-Zerfall unter Elektronenemission; EE = Elektroneneinfang; ß+ = Positronenemission; ε = ß+ und/oder EE; Iso = Isomerieübergang; CZ = Cluster-Zerfall; SZ = Spontanzerfall.
12 - Zerfall: Zerfallsanteil in Prozent (%).
13 - Zerfall: Zerfallsenergie; Partikelenergie bezogen auf Zerfallsart.
14 - AE = Anregungsenergie für metastabile Kerne.
15 - Sonstige Informationen und Hinweise: AL = Weitere Niveaus, so genannte Adopted Levels (Verlinkung auf externe Daten [1]).
()- Eingeklammerte Ziffern: Unsicherheit zur Darstellung der Streubreite des angegebenen Wertes.
~ - Theoretische Werte oder systematische Trends.
- ungelistet-: Nuklide, die in der Literatur bereits erwänhnt wurden, aber aus irgendwelchen Gründen in den aktuellen Nuklidtabellen nicht mehr zu finden sind, weil sich deren Entdeckung z. B. nicht bestätigt hat.
NMR-aktive Selen-Nuklide
Nuklid Anteil Spin I | Kernmagnetisches Moment μ/μN | Gyromagnetisches Verhältnis 107 rad T-1 s-1 | Quadrupol- Moment Q [barn] | Resonanz- Frequenz v0 bei 1 T | Relative Empfindlichkeit H0 = const. v0 = const. * |
77Se 7,60(7) % 1/2- | +0,53356(5) | 5,1214 | 0,760 | 8,1568 | 0,00703 0,1916 |
*) bezogen auf 1H = 1,000
Für den Umgang mit den Selen-Radionukliden gelten gemäß Strahlenschutzverordnung (StrlSchV 2018) unter anderem folgende Werte (Spalten 1 bis 7):
Nuklid | Freigrenzen | HRQ-Schwelle | OFK | Tochternuklide | Halbwertszeit | |
Se-70 | 106 Bq | 10 Bq/g | 41,1 Minuten | |||
Se-73 | 106 Bq | 10 Bq/g | 7,2 Stunden | |||
Se-73m | 106 Bq | 100 Bq/g | 39,8 Minuten | |||
Se-75 | 106 Bq | 1 Bq/g | 0,2 TBq | 10 Bq cm-2 | 119,6 Tage | |
Se-79 | 107 Bq | 0,1 Bq/g | 20 TBq | 380000 Jahre | ||
Se-81 | 106 Bq | 1000 Bq/g | 18,4 Minuten | |||
Se-81m+ | 107 Bq | 1000 Bq/g | 57,3 Minuten | |||
Se-83 | 105 Bq | 10 Bq/g | 22,3 Minuten |
(HRQ = Hochradioaktive Quellen; OFK = Oberflächenkontamination)
Kernisobare Nuklide des Selens
Zu den Selen-Nukliden isobare Atomkerne befinden sich in der jeweiligen Tabellenzeile; Z = Ordnungszahl; A = Nukleonenzahl (Massenzahl).
Z: | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 |
A | V | Cr | Mn | Fe | Co | Ni | Cu | Zn | Ga | Ge | As | Se | Br | Kr | Rb | Sr | Y | Zr | Nb | Mo | Tc | Ru | Rh | Pd | Ag |
65 | 65V | 65Cr | 65Mn | 65Fe | 65Co | 65Ni | 65Cu | 65Zn | 65Ga | 65Ge | 65As | 65Se | |||||||||||||
66 | 66V | 66Cr | 66Mn | 66Fe | 66Co | 66Ni | 66Cu | 66Zn | 66Ga | 66Ge | 66As | 66Se | 66Br | ||||||||||||
67 | 67Cr | 67Mn | 67Fe | 67Co | 67Ni | 67Cu | 67Zn | 67Ga | 67Ge | 67As | 67Se | 67Br | |||||||||||||
68 | 68Cr | 68Mn | 68Fe | 68Co | 68Ni | 68Cu | 68Zn | 68Ga | 68Ge | 68As | 68Se | 68Br | |||||||||||||
69 | 69Mn | 69Fe | 69Co | 69Ni | 69Cu | 69Zn | 69Ga | 69Ge | 69As | 69Se | 69Br | 69Kr | |||||||||||||
70 | 70Fe | 70Co | 70Ni | 70Cu | 70Zn | 70Ga | 70Ge | 70As | 70Se | 70Br | 70Kr | ||||||||||||||
71 | 71Fe | 71Co | 71Ni | 71Cu | 71Zn | 71Ga | 71Ge | 71As | 71Se | 71Br | 71Kr | 71Rb | |||||||||||||
72 | 72Fe | 72Co | 72Ni | 72Cu | 72Zn | 72Ga | 72Ge | 72As | 72Se | 72Br | 72Kr | 72Rb | |||||||||||||
73 | 73Co | 73Ni | 73Cu | 73Zn | 73Ga | 73Ge | 73As | 73Se | 73Br | 73Kr | 73Rb | 73Sr | |||||||||||||
74 | 74Co | 74Ni | 74Cu | 74Zn | 74Ga | 74Ge | 74As | 74Se | 74Br | 74Kr | 74Rb | 74Sr | |||||||||||||
75 | 75Co | 75Ni | 75Cu | 75Zn | 75Ga | 75Ge | 75As | 75Se | 75Br | 75Kr | 75Rb | 75Sr | |||||||||||||
76 | 76Co | 76Ni | 76Cu | 76Zn | 76Ga | 76Ge | 76As | 76Se | 76Br | 76Kr | 76Rb | 76Sr | 76Y | ||||||||||||
77 | 77Ni | 77Cu | 77Zn | 77Ga | 77Ge | 77As | 77Se | 77Br | 77Kr | 77Rb | 77Sr | 77Y | |||||||||||||
78 | 78Ni | 78Cu | 78Zn | 78Ga | 78Ge | 78As | 78Se | 78Br | 78Kr | 78Rb | 78Sr | 78Y | 78Zr | ||||||||||||
79 | 79Cu | 79Zn | 79Ga | 79Ge | 79As | 79Se | 79Br | 79Kr | 79Rb | 79Sr | 79Y | 79Zr | |||||||||||||
80 | 80Cu | 80Zn | 80Ga | 80Ge | 80As | 80Se | 80Br | 80Kr | 80Rb | 80Sr | 80Y | 80Zr | |||||||||||||
81 | 81Cu | 81Zn | 81Ga | 81Ge | 81As | 81Se | 81Br | 81Kr | 81Rb | 81Sr | 81Y | 81Zr | 81Nb | ||||||||||||
82 | 82Cu | 82Zn | 82Ga | 82Ge | 82As | 82Se | 82Br | 82Kr | 82Rb | 82Sr | 82Y | 82Zr | 82Nb | ||||||||||||
83 | 83Zn | 83Ga | 83Ge | 83As | 83Se | 83Br | 83Kr | 83Rb | 83Sr | 83Y | 83Zr | 83Nb | 83Mo | ||||||||||||
84 | 84Zn | 84Ga | 84Ge | 84As | 84Se | 84Br | 84Kr | 84Rb | 84Sr | 84Y | 84Zr | 84Nb | 84Mo | ||||||||||||
85 | 85Ga | 85Ge | 85As | 85Se | 85Br | 85Kr | 85Rb | 85Sr | 85Y | 85Zr | 85Nb | 85Mo | 85Tc | ||||||||||||
86 | 86Ga | 86Ge | 86As | 86Se | 86Br | 86Kr | 86Rb | 86Sr | 86Y | 86Zr | 86Nb | 86Mo | 86Tc | ||||||||||||
87 | 87Ga | 87Ge | 87As | 87Se | 87Br | 87Kr | 87Rb | 87Sr | 87Y | 87Zr | 87Nb | 87Mo | 87Tc | 87Ru | |||||||||||
88 | 88Ge | 88As | 88Se | 88Br | 88Kr | 88Rb | 88Sr | 88Y | 88Zr | 88Nb | 88Mo | 88Tc | 88Ru | ||||||||||||
89 | 89Ge | 89As | 89Se | 89Br | 89Kr | 89Rb | 89Sr | 89Y | 89Zr | 89Nb | 89Mo | 89Tc | 89Ru | 89Rh | |||||||||||
90 | 90As | 90Se | 90Br | 90Kr | 90Rb | 90Sr | 90Y | 90Zr | 90Nb | 90Mo | 90Tc | 90Ru | 90Rh | ||||||||||||
91 | 91As | 91Se | 91Br | 91Kr | 91Rb | 91Sr | 91Y | 91Zr | 91Nb | 91Mo | 91Tc | 91Ru | 91Rh | 91Pd | |||||||||||
92 | 92As | 92Se | 92Br | 92Kr | 92Rb | 92Sr | 92Y | 92Zr | 92Nb | 92Mo | 92Tc | 92Ru | 92Rh | 92Pd | |||||||||||
93 | 93Se | 93Br | 93Kr | 93Rb | 93Sr | 93Y | 93Zr | 93Nb | 93Mo | 93Tc | 93Ru | 93Rh | 93Pd | 93Ag | |||||||||||
94 | 94Se | 94Br | 94Kr | 94Rb | 94Sr | 94Y | 94Zr | 94Nb | 94Mo | 94Tc | 94Ru | 94Rh | 94Pd | 94Ag |
Kernisotone Nuklide des Selens
Die zu den Selen-Kernen isotonen Nuklide befinden sich in der jeweiligen Tabellenzeile; N = Anzahl der Neutronen.
31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 |
46P | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
47S | 48S | 49S | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
48Cl | 49Cl | 50Cl | 51Cl | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
49Ar | 50Ar | 51Ar | 52Ar | 53Ar | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
50K | 51K | 52K | 53K | 54K | 55K | 56K | |||||||||||||||||||||||
51Ca | 52Ca | 53Ca | 54Ca | 55Ca | 56Ca | 57Ca | 58Ca | ||||||||||||||||||||||
52Sc | 53Sc | 54Sc | 55Sc | 56Sc | 57Sc | 58Sc | 59Sc | 60Sc | 61Sc | ||||||||||||||||||||
53Ti | 54Ti | 55Ti | 56Ti | 57Ti | 58Ti | 59Ti | 60Ti | 61Ti | 62Ti | 63Ti | |||||||||||||||||||
54V | 55V | 56V | 57V | 58V | 59V | 60V | 61V | 62V | 63V | 64V | 65V | 66V | 67V | ||||||||||||||||
55Cr | 56Cr | 57Cr | 58Cr | 59Cr | 60Cr | 61Cr | 62Cr | 63Cr | 64Cr | 65Cr | 66Cr | 67Cr | 68Cr | ||||||||||||||||
56Mn | 57Mn | 58Mn | 59Mn | 60Mn | 61Mn | 62Mn | 63Mn | 64Mn | 65Mn | 66Mn | 67Mn | 68Mn | 69Mn | ||||||||||||||||
57Fe | 58Fe | 59Fe | 60Fe | 61Fe | 62Fe | 63Fe | 64Fe | 65Fe | 66Fe | 67Fe | 68Fe | 69Fe | 70Fe | 71Fe | 72Fe | ||||||||||||||
58Co | 59Co | 60Co | 61Co | 62Co | 63Co | 64Co | 65Co | 66Co | 67Co | 68Co | 69Co | 70Co | 71Co | 72Co | 73Co | 74Co | 75Co | 76Co | |||||||||||
59Ni | 60Ni | 61Ni | 62Ni | 63Ni | 64Ni | 65Ni | 66Ni | 67Ni | 68Ni | 69Ni | 70Ni | 71Ni | 72Ni | 73Ni | 74Ni | 75Ni | 76Ni | 77Ni | 78Ni | ||||||||||
60Cu | 61Cu | 62Cu | 63Cu | 64Cu | 65Cu | 66Cu | 67Cu | 68Cu | 69Cu | 70Cu | 71Cu | 72Cu | 73Cu | 74Cu | 75Cu | 76Cu | 77Cu | 78Cu | 79Cu | 80Cu | 81Cu | 82Cu | |||||||
61Zn | 62Zn | 63Zn | 64Zn | 65Zn | 66Zn | 67Zn | 68Zn | 69Zn | 70Zn | 71Zn | 72Zn | 73Zn | 74Zn | 75Zn | 76Zn | 77Zn | 78Zn | 79Zn | 80Zn | 81Zn | 82Zn | 83Zn | 84Zn | ||||||
62Ga | 63Ga | 64Ga | 65Ga | 66Ga | 67Ga | 68Ga | 69Ga | 70Ga | 71Ga | 72Ga | 73Ga | 74Ga | 75Ga | 76Ga | 77Ga | 78Ga | 79Ga | 80Ga | 81Ga | 82Ga | 83Ga | 84Ga | 85Ga | 86Ga | 87Ga | ||||
63Ge | 64Ge | 65Ge | 66Ge | 67Ge | 68Ge | 69Ge | 70Ge | 71Ge | 72Ge | 73Ge | 74Ge | 75Ge | 76Ge | 77Ge | 78Ge | 79Ge | 80Ge | 81Ge | 82Ge | 83Ge | 84Ge | 85Ge | 86Ge | 87Ge | 88Ge | 89Ge | |||
64As | 65As | 66As | 67As | 68As | 69As | 70As | 71As | 72As | 73As | 74As | 75As | 76As | 77As | 78As | 79As | 80As | 81As | 82As | 83As | 84As | 85As | 86As | 87As | 88As | 89As | 90As | 91As | 92As | |
65Se | 66Se | 67Se | 68Se | 69Se | 70Se | 71Se | 72Se | 73Se | 74Se | 75Se | 76Se | 77Se | 78Se | 79Se | 80Se | 81Se | 82Se | 83Se | 84Se | 85Se | 86Se | 87Se | 88Se | 89Se | 90Se | 91Se | 92Se | 93Se | 94Se |
66Br | 67Br | 68Br | 69Br | 70Br | 71Br | 72Br | 73Br | 74Br | 75Br | 76Br | 77Br | 78Br | 79Br | 80Br | 81Br | 82Br | 83Br | 84Br | 85Br | 86Br | 87Br | 88Br | 89Br | 90Br | 91Br | 92Br | 93Br | 94Br | 95Br |
69Kr | 70Kr | 71Kr | 72Kr | 73Kr | 74Kr | 75Kr | 76Kr | 77Kr | 78Kr | 79Kr | 80Kr | 81Kr | 82Kr | 83Kr | 84Kr | 85Kr | 86Kr | 87Kr | 88Kr | 89Kr | 90Kr | 91Kr | 92Kr | 93Kr | 94Kr | 95Kr | 96Kr | ||
71Rb | 72Rb | 73Rb | 74Rb | 75Rb | 76Rb | 77Rb | 78Rb | 79Rb | 80Rb | 81Rb | 82Rb | 83Rb | 84Rb | 85Rb | 86Rb | 87Rb | 88Rb | 89Rb | 90Rb | 91Rb | 92Rb | 93Rb | 94Rb | 95Rb | 96Rb | 97Rb | |||
73Sr | 74Sr | 75Sr | 76Sr | 77Sr | 78Sr | 79Sr | 80Sr | 81Sr | 82Sr | 83Sr | 84Sr | 85Sr | 86Sr | 87Sr | 88Sr | 89Sr | 90Sr | 91Sr | 92Sr | 93Sr | 94Sr | 95Sr | 96Sr | 97Sr | 98Sr | ||||
76Y | 77Y | 78Y | 79Y | 80Y | 81Y | 82Y | 83Y | 84Y | 85Y | 86Y | 87Y | 88Y | 89Y | 90Y | 91Y | 92Y | 93Y | 94Y | 95Y | 96Y | 97Y | 98Y | 99Y | ||||||
78Zr | 79Zr | 80Zr | 81Zr | 82Zr | 83Zr | 84Zr | 85Zr | 86Zr | 87Zr | 88Zr | 89Zr | 90Zr | 91Zr | 92Zr | 93Zr | 94Zr | 95Zr | 96Zr | 97Zr | 98Zr | 99Zr | 100Zr | |||||||
81Nb | 82Nb | 83Nb | 84Nb | 85Nb | 86Nb | 87Nb | 88Nb | 89Nb | 90Nb | 91Nb | 92Nb | 93Nb | 94Nb | 95Nb | 96Nb | 97Nb | 98Nb | 99Nb | 100Nb | 101Nb | |||||||||
83Mo | 84Mo | 85Mo | 86Mo | 87Mo | 88Mo | 89Mo | 90Mo | 91Mo | 92Mo | 93Mo | 94Mo | 95Mo | 96Mo | 97Mo | 98Mo | 99Mo | 100Mo | 101Mo | 102Mo | ||||||||||
85Tc | 86Tc | 87Tc | 88Tc | 89Tc | 90Tc | 91Tc | 92Tc | 93Tc | 94Tc | 95Tc | 96Tc | 97Tc | 98Tc | 99Tc | 100Tc | 101Tc | 102Tc | 103Tc | |||||||||||
87Ru | 88Ru | 89Ru | 90Ru | 91Ru | 92Ru | 93Ru | 94Ru | 95Ru | 96Ru | 97Ru | 98Ru | 99Ru | 100Ru | 101Ru | 102Ru | 103Ru | 104Ru | ||||||||||||
89Rh | 90Rh | 91Rh | 92Rh | 93Rh | 94Rh | 95Rh | 96Rh | 97Rh | 98Rh | 99Rh | 100Rh | 101Rh | 102Rh | 103Rh | 104Rh | 105Rh | |||||||||||||
91Pd | 92Pd | 93Pd | 94Pd | 95Pd | 96Pd | 97Pd | 98Pd | 99Pd | 100Pd | 101Pd | 102Pd | 103Pd | 104Pd | 105Pd | 106Pd | ||||||||||||||
93Ag | 94Ag | 95Ag | 96Ag | 97Ag | 98Ag | 99Ag | 100Ag | 101Ag | 102Ag | 103Ag | 104Ag | 105Ag | 106Ag | 107Ag | |||||||||||||||
95Cd | 96Cd | 97Cd | 98Cd | 99Cd | 100Cd | 101Cd | 102Cd | 103Cd | 104Cd | 105Cd | 106Cd | 107Cd | 108Cd | ||||||||||||||||
97In | 98In | 99In | 100In | 101In | 102In | 103In | 104In | 105In | 106In | 107In | 108In | 109In | |||||||||||||||||
99Sn | 100Sn | 101Sn | 102Sn | 103Sn | 104Sn | 105Sn | 106Sn | 107Sn | 108Sn | 109Sn | 110Sn | ||||||||||||||||||
103Sb | 104Sb | 105Sb | 106Sb | 107Sb | 108Sb | 109Sb | 110Sb | 111Sb | |||||||||||||||||||||
105Te | 106Te | 107Te | 108Te | 109Te | 110Te | 111Te | 112Te | ||||||||||||||||||||||
108I | 109I | 110I | 111I | 112I | 113I | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
109Xe | 110Xe | 111Xe | 112Xe | 113Xe | 114Xe | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
112Cs | 113Cs | 114Cs | 115Cs | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
114Ba | 115Ba | 116Ba | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
116La | 117La |
Literatur und Hinweise
Eigenschaften der Selen-Isotope
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Weitere Quellen:
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Double Beta Decay of Selenium-82.
In: Economic Geology, (1973), DOI 10.2113/gsecongeo.68.2.252.
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Preparation of radiochemically pure 79Se and highly precise determination of its half-life.
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Precise selenium isotope ratios measurement using a multimode sample introduction system (MSIS) coupled with multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS).
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[12] - Kathrin Schilling:
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In: Dissertation, Universität Mainz, (2010), DOI https://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hebis:77-28048.
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Discovery of zinc, selenium, bromine, and neodymium isotopes.
In: Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, (2012), DOI 10.1016/j.adt.2011.12.001.
Kategorie: Chemische Elemente
Letzte Änderung am 12.12.2022.
Permalink: https://www.internetchemie.info/chemische-elemente/selen-isotope.php.
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